Table 1. Participant characteristics.
Variables n = 28 (82% female)
Age (y) 47.4 (7.6)
Weight (kg) 84.5 (17.8)
Height (cm) 168.3 (7.7)
BMI (kg·m-2) 30 (5.3)
Racial Group (%)
White 89
Black 7
Other 0
Refuse 4
Hours Worked per Week (%)
1 to 15 4
16 to 30 14
31 to 40 39
41 to 50 29
50 + 11
Hours Spent Watching TV per Week (%)
Less than 10 46
10 to 20 21
21 to 30 18
31 to 40 11
41 + 4