Table 1. General characteristics of the participants and differences between the experimental and control groups. Data are reported as means (±standard deviation) or frequency.
Experimental 1
(n = 44)
Experimental 2
(n = 51)
(n = 45)
Age (years) 8.5 (.8) 8.4 (.8) 8.4 (.6) -
Gender (boys/ girls) 22/ 22 23/ 28 21/ 24 .890
Body mass (kg) 33.8 (7.5) 33.7 (7.7) 36.6 (11.5) .229
Body height (m) 1.33 (.06) 1.32 (.06) 1.33 (.08) .843
Body mass index (kg·m-2) 19.0 (3.4) 19.1 (3.4) 20.4 (4.4) .124
Extracurricular sport (yes/ no)b 33/ 11 28/ 23 25/ 20 .082
Pre-intervention score (cm) 16.8 (5.4) 16.8 (5.5) 15.3 (5.2) .320
Hamstring extensibility (low/ normal) 15/ 29 15/ 36 18/ 27 .551
a Significance level from the chi squared test for the ratio of gender, extracurricular sport, and pre-intervention hamstring extensibility categories, and from the one-way analysis of variance for body mass, body height, body mass index, and pre-intervention scores of the sit-and-reach test;b Children that regularly participated (yes) or not (no) at least twice per week in extracurricular sport activities.