Table 1. Mean (SD) of half-marathon performance, anthropometric, training, physiological and biomechanical variables of the runners (n = 78) participants in the Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the present study. Correlations to race time (“r”).
Phase 1 (n= 48) Phase 2 (n=30)
Variables Mean (SD) r Mean (SD) r
Race time (min) 80.18 (11.33)# 86.66 (8.53)
    Mass (kg) 70.2 (6.8)# .45* 74.9 (11.1) .52*
    Height (m) 1.77 (.06) -.19 1.78 (.09) .19
    Body mass index (kg·m-2) 22.4 (2.0)# .64* 23.7 (2.1) .63*
    ∑ of 6 skinfolds (mm) 51.5 (17.5) .78* 56.9 (24.0) .76*
    Running experience (years) 8.8 (6.6)# -.75* 4.6 (3.1) -.33
    Training volume (km·week-1) 75.7 (36.0)# -.80* 37.7 (14.8) -.46*
    Training frequency (sessions· week-1) 5.5 (2.4)# -.83* 3.2 (1.0) -.45*
    VO2max (ml·kg-1·min-1) 61.5 (7.5)# -.75* 56.5 (6.2) -.59*
    HRmax (bpm) 186(8) .10 183(7) -.05
    RCT % VO2max 87.6 (5.2) -.34* 86.1 (3.1) -.59*
    Peak speed (km·h-1) 19.7 (1.9)# -.92* 18.9 (1.4) -.86*
    RCT speed (km·h-1) 16.3 (2.1)# -.92* 14.9 (1.3) -.92*
    Minimum contact time (ms) .207 (.02) .76* .201 (.02) .62*
    Maximal step rate (Hz) 3.17 (.16)# -.04 3.26 (.19) .05
    Maximal step length (m) 1.70 (.18)# -.73* 1.63 (.14) -.64*
    RCT contact time (s) .230 (.03) .82* .240 (.02) .65*
    RCT step rate (Hz) 2.96 (.15) -.38* 3.00 (.15) -.10
    RCT step length (m) 1.66 (.20)# -.87* 1.36 (.13) -.79*
∑ of six skinfolds, sum of six skinfolds (triceps, subscapular, suprailiac, abdominal, front thigh, and medial calf). VO2max, maximal oxygen uptake. HRmax, maximal heart rate. RCT, respiratory compensation threshold.* Significant correlations with the race time (p < 0.05).# significant differences between both groups (p < 0.05).