Table 1. Correlations, means, standard deviations, and Cronbach alphas of the study variables.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 M SD α
1 1Task-involving climate - .01 .45*** .58*** .47*** .62*** .67*** .46*** .41*** .22*** -.04 3.99 .69 .79
2 2 Ego-involving climate .13* - -.08 -.04 -.08 .14** -.01 .16** .06 -.01 -.00 2.73 .95 .85
3 Competence .34*** -.08 - .51*** .53*** .46*** .54*** .51*** .57*** .28*** -.15** 3.54 .79 .74
4 Autonomy .59*** .08 .48*** - .72*** .45*** .60*** .37*** .43*** .22*** -.06 3.80 .68 .70
5 Relatedness .49*** -.05 .62*** .67*** - .36*** .52*** .30*** .40*** .12* -.18** 4.17 .71 .84
6 6 Intrinsic motivation .54*** .06 .46*** .61*** .49*** - .59*** .56*** .44*** .22*** -.05 3.54 .81 .95
7 Enjoyment .73*** .15** .50*** .65*** .59*** .63*** - .57*** .54*** .22*** -.02 3.66 1.02 .94
8 Knowledge .44*** .10* .55*** .56*** .47*** .72*** .63*** - .51*** .19*** -.10* 3.42 1.01 .74
9 Performance .45*** .13* .42*** .32*** .30*** .33*** .48*** .42*** - .28*** -.16** 8.20 .90 -
10 MVPA .34*** .04 .32*** .29*** .21*** .38*** .31*** .41*** .43*** - .01 4.16 1.76 .89
11 BMI -.06 .01 -.08 -.02 -.01 .00 -.00 -.03 -.08 -.04 - 21.0 3.4 -
M 4.11 3.11 3.51 3.65 3.91 3.64 3.99 3.70 8.25 4.27 21.22
SD .81 .99 .82 .78 .74 .87 1.01 1.05 1.05 2.09 3.32
α .88 .80 .66 .73 .77 .95 .92 .82 - .94 -
*p < 0.05.***p < 0.001**p < 0.01Correlations for girls (n = 397) are presented above and for boys (n = 373) below the diagonal. M = Means, SD = standard deviations and α = Cronbach alphas for girls are presented in vertical columns and for boys in horizontal columns.