Table 1. Baseline anthropometric and performance characteristics of the study participants. Data are means (±SD).
CE (n = 8) EE (n =8)
Age, years 56.4 (5.3) 57.4 (5.1)
Height, m 1.77 (.07) 1.73 (.04)
Body mass, kg 88.1 (11.7) 84.0 (9.7)
BMI, kg·m-2 28.0 (1.6) 28.2 (3.0)
Lean body mass, kg 65.0 (6.0) 62.4 (7.6)
Body cell mass, kg 36.8 (2.6) 35.1 (5.9)
Fat mass, kg 23.1 (7.6) 21.6 (4.4)
Muscle mass, kg 45.0 (3.3) 42.9 (6.7)
Physical activity, h·week-1 4.5 (2.8) 5.9 (3.8)
Systolic BP, mm Hg 131.5 (14.1) 129.0 (13.6)
Diastolic BP, mm Hg 85.9 (3.8) 81.0 (8.0)
Hfmax, bpm 154.9 (23.4) 153.1 (15.7)
Pmax, W 191.0 (22.9) 173.8 (42.2)
CE: concentric exercise (uphill walking); EE: eccentric exercise (downhill walking); BMI: Body mass index; Hfmax: maximum heart frequency reached during exercise capacity testing; BP: blood pressure; Pmax: maximum power reached during exercise capacity testing; No significant group difference (calculated with Mann-Whitney U-Test)