Authors | Year | Instrument | Dimensions |
Gill Gross and Huddleston | 1983 | Achievement/status, team atmosphere, fitness, energy release, skill development, friendship and fun. |
Gavin | 1992 | Body motives, social motives and psychological motives | |
Dwyer | 1992 | Team orientation, achievement/status, fitness, friendship, skill development, and fun/excitement/challenge | |
Frederick and Ryan | 1993 | Body motives, competence and fun | |
Markland and Hardy | 1993 | Body image and weight, fun and wellness, prevention and positive health, competition, affiliation, muscular resistance and strength, social status, stress control, flexibility and agility, challenge, and health emergencies |
Markland and Ingledew | 1997 | EMI-2 | |
Marsh | 1996 | (PSDQ) |
Physical appearance, muscular strength, resistance, flexibility, health, adherence, overweight, skills and self-esteem |
Ryan et al. | 1997 | Health, appearance, motor competence and learn new skills, social, and fun/intrinsic motivation |
Telama et al. | 2002 | - | Well-being motives, competition motives, appearance motives and social motives |
Morris and Rogers | 2004 | Mastery, enjoyment, psychological condition, physical condition, appearance, others’ expectations, affiliation and competition/ego |