Table 1. Peak force (PF) and rate of force development (RFD) (mean ± sd) for the strongest and weakest body sides in the tethered swimming and land-based maximal voluntary isometric tests.
Tethered swimming (n = 18) Land-based strength test (n = 18)
Strong Weak Mean p d Strong Weak Mean p d
PF (N) 130.3 116.3 123.3 <.01 .46 165.6 144.1 154.8 <.01 .36
SD ±31.3 ±31.4 ±31.1 ±58.2 ±62.5 ±60.1
RFD (N·s-1) 330.5 276.4 303.4 <.05 .50 811.0 690.0 750.5 <.05 .34
SD ±114.5 ±100.4 ±107.4 ±332.9 ±394.5 ±363.3
“p” indicates significant differences between body sides; “d” refers to the Cohen’s d coefficient for effect size.