Reference | Intervention | Sample (n) |
Gender | Age (years) |
Experience (years) |
Type of study | Outcomes | Main findings | PEDro |
Contreras et al. ( |
Barbell hip thrust versus back squat | 13 | Female | 28.9±5.11 | 7.0±5.8 | Acute | Activity EMG of the muscles gluteus maximus upper and lower fibers, biceps femoris and vastus lateralis | Hip thrust ↑ EMG significantly for gluteus maximus muscle (both portions) and biceps femoris | 7 |
Contreras et al. (2016) | Hip thrust Variations (traditional, American and band) | 13 | Female | 28.9±5.11 | 7.0±5.8 | Acute | Activity EMG of the muscles gluteus maximus upper and lower fibers, biceps femoris and vastus lateralis | Variation with full amplitude demonstrated ↑ EMG for mean and peak activation of the upper gluteus maximus fibers | 7 |
Andersen et al. ( |
Barbell hip thrust versus straight and hex bar deadlift | 13 | Male | 21.9±1.6 | 4.5±1.9 | Acute | Activity EMG of the muscles gluteus maximus upper and lower fibers, biceps femoris and erector spinae | Barbell hip thrust: ↑ EMG gluteus maximus Deadlift straight bar: ↑ EMG biceps femoris * there was no difference for erector spinae | 7 |
Williams et al. ( |
Barbell hip thrust versus back squat e Split squat | 12 | Male | 25.0±4.0 | 4.0±1.0 | Acute | Activity EMG of the muscle gluteus maximus | Significantly ↑ EMG in the Barbell hip thrust | 7 |
Collazo Garcia et al. ( |
Barbell hip thrust feet position variations (original hip thrust, pull hip thrust [PHT], rotation hip thrust [RHT], and feet away hip thrust [FHT] | 7 | Male | 29.4±4.6 | Not indicated | Acute | Activity EMG of the rectus femoris (RF), vastus medialis (VM), vastus lateralis (VL), gluteus maximus (GMax), gluteus medius (GMed), biceps femoris (BF), and semitendinosus (ST) muscles | Significant differences in EMG in all muscles except for the gluteus medius, where no differences were observed among variations. In comparison with the original variation: RHT = ↑ Gmax FHT = ↑ BF, ST and ↓RF, VM, VL | 7 |