Table 1. Description of data extracted from each article regarding neuromuscular activity, in relation to subtopics: type of intervention, sample, gender, age, experience time, type of study, outcomes, main findings and PEDro quality scale score (0-8).
Reference Intervention Sample
Gender Age
Type of study Outcomes Main findings PEDro
Contreras et al. (2015) Barbell hip thrust versus back squat 13 Female 28.9±5.11 7.0±5.8 Acute Activity EMG of the muscles gluteus maximus upper and lower fibers, biceps femoris and vastus lateralis Hip thrust ↑ EMG significantly for gluteus maximus muscle (both portions) and biceps femoris 7
Contreras et al. (2016) Hip thrust Variations (traditional, American and band) 13 Female 28.9±5.11 7.0±5.8 Acute Activity EMG of the muscles gluteus maximus upper and lower fibers, biceps femoris and vastus lateralis Variation with full amplitude demonstrated ↑ EMG for mean and peak activation of the upper gluteus maximus fibers 7
Andersen et al. (2018) Barbell hip thrust versus straight and hex bar deadlift 13 Male 21.9±1.6 4.5±1.9 Acute Activity EMG of the muscles gluteus maximus upper and lower fibers, biceps femoris and erector spinae Barbell hip thrust: ↑ EMG gluteus maximus Deadlift straight bar: ↑ EMG biceps femoris * there was no difference for erector spinae 7
Williams et al. (2018) Barbell hip thrust versus back squat e Split squat 12 Male 25.0±4.0 4.0±1.0 Acute Activity EMG of the muscle gluteus maximus Significantly ↑ EMG in the Barbell hip thrust 7
Collazo Garcia et al. (2018) Barbell hip thrust feet position variations (original hip thrust, pull hip thrust [PHT], rotation hip thrust [RHT], and feet away hip thrust [FHT] 7 Male 29.4±4.6 Not indicated Acute Activity EMG of the rectus femoris (RF), vastus medialis (VM), vastus lateralis (VL), gluteus maximus (GMax), gluteus medius (GMed), biceps femoris (BF), and semitendinosus (ST) muscles Significant differences in EMG in all muscles except for the gluteus medius, where no differences were observed among variations. In comparison with the original variation: RHT = ↑ Gmax FHT = ↑ BF, ST and ↓RF, VM, VL 7