Table 1. Altered plasma metabolites between male and female rats in the control, exhaustive exercise and recovery groups (n=10).
Compounds RT(min) VIP MC/FC MS-d10/FS-d10 MR-d7/FR-d7
FC p FC p FC p
Amino acid Valine 7.68 1.57 2.80 <0.001 2.80 <0.001
Leucine 8.48 1.63 2.80 <0.001 2.80 <0.001
Fatty acid Linoleic acid 27.65 1.62 2.35 0.002
Oleic acid 27.73 1.84 0.46 0.005 2.29 0.003 2.11 0.007
Organic aid 3-Hydroxybutyric acid 6.88 2.14 0.45 0.004 2.80 <0.001 2.80 <0.001
Citric acid 19.91 1.78 0.37 <0.001 2.80 <0.001 2.64 <0.001
Other metabolites Phosphate 8.65 1.61 2.80 <0.001 2.80 <0.001
RT: The retention time of each compound from GC-MS; VIP: Variable importance in the project; FC: Fold change. Mean ranks were calculated using the nonparametric Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitey test by SPSS 18.0, and FC was obtained by comparing those metabolites’ mean ranks between male and female rats in control, exhaustive exercise and recovery group. FC with a value >1 indicates a relatively higher level present in male rats as compared to the female rats, while a value <1 means a relatively lower level in male rats as compared to the female rats. S-d10: 10 days swimming group (exhaustive exercise group); R-d7: 7 days recovery group; p: Correlation coefficient from Mann-Whitney test. p<0.05 means the change is significant.