Table 1. Intra-session descriptive and reliability measures.
Measures Mean (SD) ICC
Gastrocnemius EMG (mV) 0.284 (0.066) 0.957
Soleus EMG (mV) 0.18 (0.04) 0.963
Triceps Surae MVC (N) 665.3 (77.5) 0.984
Triceps Surae F100 (N) 164.2 (61.9) 0.976
Evoked Twitch Force (N) 82.1 (23.9) 0.962
Potentiated Twitch Force (N) 98.4 (30.5) 0.954
ITT %Voluntary Activation 66.6 (52.9) 0.763
Contact Time (ms) 300.1 (34.5) 0.994
Drop Jump Height (cm) 30.2 (4.4) 0.983
Reactive Strength Index 1.095 (0.180) 0.989
Time to Complete Kilometer (s) 257.15 (22.75) 0.969
Heart Rate (beats per minute) 151(91) 0.943
Rate of Perceived Exertion 13.3 (10.1) 0.905
ICC = intraclass correlation coefficient.