Table 1. Overview on measured variables and items.
Dimension Variable Reference Reliability
Age, biological maturation chronological age (years)
relative age (month)
age at peak height velocity (years)
Mirwald et al., 2002 rtt = .96
Anthropometry height (cm)
weight (kg)
rtt = .99
rtt = .99
Coach assessment in-game performance (points) Zuber and Conzelmann, 2014 W = .89
General motor performance YoYo (m)
counter-movement-jump (cm)
40 m-sprint (sec)
agility test (sec)
Bangsbo et al., 2008
Casartelli et al., 2010
Zuber et al., 2016
Höner et al., 2015
rtt = .93
ICC = .96
rtt = .96
rtt = .83
Technical skills dribbling (sec)
passing (sec)
juggling (points)
Höner et al., 2015
Zuber et al., 2016
Höner et al., 2015; Zuber et al., 2016
rtt = .56
rtt = .68
rtt = .79
Psychological characteristics achievement motive (net-hope)
achievement goal orientations (score)
self-determination (index)
Wenhold et al., 2009
Elbe, 2004
Pelletier et al., 1995; Demetriou, 2012
α = .76/.73
α = .80/.72/.81
α = .86
Familial support importance of football within family (score)
parents’ priority of sport vs. school (score)
financial investment (Swiss Francs / year)
time investment (h / week)
rtt = .63
rtt = .52
rtt = .78
rtt = .59
Training history practice and play up to 12 years of age (h) Hopwood, 2015 .59 ≤ rtt ≤ .97