Table 1. Descriptive statistics and Pearson correlations for student-athletes (N = 352).
Variable M SD Ske./Kur. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
(1) K & U 12.85 1.68 –.70/1.24 -
(2) SE & C 11.55 1.93 –.55/1.01 .54** -
(3) SS & S 11.63 1.86 –.55/1.20 .53** .57** -
(4) ME 41.12 8.75 –.97/.70 .35** .30** .35** -
(5) GSE 41.05 8.25 –.92/.47 .34** .31** .35** .93** -
(6) TE 42.02 8.59 –1.06/.88 .33** .29** .33** .89** .90** -
(7) CBE 42.63 8.55 –1.14/1.08 .37** .30** .35** .90** .91** .91** -
(8) TIB 51.25 7.58 –.38/.28 .36** .29** .31** .62** .58** .59** .59** -
(9) DB 34.25 5.45 –.06/-.24 .32** .30** .29** .62** .58** .55** .56** .87** -
(10) PFB 18.87 3.44 –.45/.48 .25** .25** .23** .57** .50** .49** .48** .78** .77** -
(11) AB 15.65 4.08 .41/.30 .03 .14** .16** .04 .08 .02 –.01 .26** .35** .26** -
(12) SSB 29.35 5.03 .37/.61 .27** .28** .25** .60** .56** .53** .53** .81** .83** .80** .39**
Ske.=skewness; Kur.= Kurtosis; K & U=Knowledge and understanding; SE & C=Self-expression and communication with others; SS & S=Sense of self and self-confidence; ME=Motivation Efficacy; GSE=Game Strategy Efficacy; TE=Technique Efficacy; CBE=Character Building Efficacy; TIB=Training and Instruction Behaviour; DB=Democratic Behaviour; PFB=Positive Feedback Behaviour; AB=Autocratic Behaviour; SSB= Social Support Behaviour.*p < 0.05** p < 0.01 (two-tailed).