Table 1. Self-report instruments used for the construct validation of AMBIS-I.
Questionnaire Construct Scale α # Items Sample item (translation from German original items)
Sport Orientation
Questionnaire (SOQ) (Elbe, 2004)
Achievement goal orientation Competitiveness (CO) .87 13 I'm looking forward to competitions.
Win Orientation (WO) .83 6 I have the most fun when I win.
Goal Orientation (GO) .79 6 I try hardest when I have a specific goal.
Sport Motivation Scale (SMS)
(Burtscher et al., 2011)
Self-determination Se (SDI) .83 28 It gives me pleasure to learn more about my sport.
Volitional Components in Sport (VCS) (Wenhold, Elbe & Beckmann, 2008) Volition Self-Optimization (SO) .93 29 I am optimistic about most things in sports.
Self-Impediment (SI) .78 9 When I get into a bad mood during sports, I can hardly get out of it.
Lack of Initiation (LI) .88 13 I usually only start to train properly when someone puts pressure on me.
Loss of Focus (LF) .78 9 In training, I often have to think about things that have nothing to do with what I'm doing.
a The seven subscales Intrinsic Motivation “To Know”, “To Accomplish” and To Experience”, External, Introjected and Identified Regulation, as well as Amotivation were combined to form a Self-Determination Index (see Vallerand, 2001)