Table 1. Kinematic parameters (angles in chosen joints and acceleration of the hand) - Means, Standard Deviations (SDs), Coefficients of Variation (CVs) and p value from the Student’s t-test (significant differences between TF1 and TF 2) in particular events in the whole group during the topspin forehand, task 1 (TF1).
Ready Backswing Contact Forward
Mean(SD) CV(%) Mean(SD) CV(%) Mean(SD) CV(%) Mean(SD) CV(%)
LumbRot -4.1(6.3) 153.1 -0.4(6.2) 1451.2 -1.3(6.1) 480.4 -6.8(8.6) 125.8
LumbFlex 22.1(8.0) 36.5 27.1(10.5) 38.6 22.8(9.6) 42 18.4(8.4) 45.5
LumbLat 2.8(4.5) 161.8 2.7(9.9) 368 3.2(7.8) 247.7 0.7(3.4) 460.9
ChestRot -2.0(5.2) 257.6 0.0(7.6) 2944 1.8(7.0) 393 0.3(5.9) 2051.6
ChestFlex 10.8(4.1) 37.6 -14.9(6.4) 43 -11.4(4.8) 42.1 -8.4(6.6) 79.2
ChestLat 2.1(4.0) 192.9 8.5(13.7) 162 8.8(12.3) 140.1 -2.6(3.6) 140.6
LeftHipFlex 40.1(11.4) 28.4 24.8(10.0) 40.2 33.0(10.7) 32.5 51.2(13.5) 26.3
LeftHipAbd 23.8(12.7) 53.3 25.5(12.5) 49.1 24.4(13.0) 53.3 17.14(13.7) 80.2
LeftHipRot -1.2(8.8) 743.5 18.7(10.9) 58.1 -5.0(6.7) 134.1 -13.5(5.8) 42.7
LeftKneeFlex 37.3(6.9) 18.6 55.9(10.9) 19.5 56.2(11.5) 20.4 47.0(9.9) 21.2
RightHipFlex 44.6(14.2) 31.8 70.5(8.9) 12.7 55.5(7.5) 13.5 30.6(10.2) 33.3
RightHipAbd 21.0(5.7) 27 4.14(10.4) 250 18.0(10.6) 59.2 29.7(4.0) 14.1
RightHipRot -7.2(17.4) 242.4 -30.2(14.4) 47.6 -21.7(13.8) 63.6 2.7(11.3) 420.7
RightKneeFlex 42.0(11.5) 27.4 50.1(12.3) 24.5 50.52(13.0) 25.7 51.1(11.1) 21.8
ShExtRot -28.1(27.0) 96.4 12.1(27.3) 225.7 19.2(50.7) 263 -34.3(26.5) 77.1
ShFlex 18.1(8.2) 45.2 1.8(17.8) 960.6 31.4(11.5) 36.7 82.1(10.9) 13.3
ShAbd 3.7(8.6) 232 24.1(13.1) 54.2 27.4(11.5) 41.8 48.4(41.8) 86.3
ElFlex 68.2(10.1) 14.8 43.5(18.9) 43.4 47.1(30.1) 63.4 72.4(17.6) 24.3
WrExtensio 8.3(25.5) 308.4 17.9(6.2) 34.8 24.3(25.6) 105.4 13.7(20.0) 145.8
WrRad -2.9(17.0) 580 -19.9(16.4) 82.4 -11.5(24.1) 210.7 -9.3(20.1) 216.2
WrSup -1.8(15.4) 855.7 -18.0(4.5) 25.0 -2.1(6.2) 290.5 -17.3(27.2) 156.7
ACC(m/s2) 128.1p=0.01(19.9) 11
Lumb – lumbar segment, Sh – shoulder, El – elbow, Wr – wrist, Rot – rotation, flex – flexion, Lat – lateral bend, Abd – abduction, ExtRot – external rotation, Rad – radial deviation, Sup – supination, bold font – significant difference with p≤0.05, bold font underlined with a single line – medium value of CV, bold font underlined with two lines – small value of CV