Table 1. Trial order of each group in performing all the three experimental conditions.
Group Motor Ability Age (Mean) Trial order
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A Low 9.7 Ctrl Ctrl Ctrl 1B 3Bs 1B 3Bs 1B 3Bs
B Low 12.0 Ctrl Ctrl Ctrl 1B 3Bs 1B 3Bs 1B 3Bs
C High 9.7 Ctrl Ctrl Ctrl 3Bs 1B 3Bs 1B 3Bs 1B
D High 11.7 Ctrl Ctrl Ctrl 3Bs 1B 3Bs 1B 3Bs 1B
Ctrl, 1B, and 3Bs indicate the control, one-elastic-band, and three-elastic-bands conditions, respectively.