Table 1. Reaction time (RT) in milli-seconds according to level of (SDQ) among early adolescents.
SDQ N Mean (SD) Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval P Value
Flanker total RT[ms]
Close to average 56 11559.1 (1613.8) Referent Referent Referent
Slightly raised 12 12360.2 (1612.7) 801.1 -305.0, 1907.1 0.153
High 6 12503.2 (1410.9) 944.1 -549.6, 2437.7 0.212
Very high 12 13499.9 (2499.6) 1940.8* 834.7, 3046.9 0.001
Flanker congruent RT [ms]
Close to average 56 445.6 (68.4) Referent Referent Referent
Slightly raised 12 470.3 (54.6) 24.7 -24.2, 73.6 0.317
High 6 486.35 (49.2) 40.6 -25.4, 106.7 0.224
Very high 12 531. 9 (130.5) 86.3* 37.4, 135.2 0.001
Flanker incongruent RT [ms]
Close to average 56 482.9 (81.8) Referent Referent Referent
Slightly raised 12 514.1 (85.2) 31.2 -22.3, 84.7 0.249
High 6 514.1 (67.8) 31.1 -41.1, 103.4 0.394
Very high 12 570.1 (102.3) 87.2* 33.7, 140.7 0.002
Flanker average of RT [ms]
Close to average 56 464.3 (72.2) Referent Referent Referent
Slightly raised 12 492.2 (65.9) 28.0 -21.3, 77.2 1.000
High 6 500.2 (56.7) 5. 9 -30. 6, 102.3 1.000
Very high 12 551.0 (115.0) 86.7* 37.5, 135.9 0.004
SDQ: Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire.*The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.