Table 1. Characteristics of PJT programs and included participants.
N Gender A BM H SPT Fitness level* Test Freq Wk Int BH TJ Type Comb RBSE RBR RBTS Surf PO TP R T
Amato et al., 2018 12 NR 11.6 48.5 156 NR MOD
(>3 y of practice)
2 6 NR NA 880 Mix Isometric squat NR NR NR NR V NR NR No
Behrens et al., 2014 13 M-F 24 77 183 No Normal
to MOD
2 8 Maximal 40 972 Mix No 90 4 3 Rigid V IS A No
Cimenli et al., 2016 12, wood M 18 to 24 73.7 184 NR MOD to high CMJA
with step
3 8 NR 30-70 3,000 Mix No 120 NR 48-72 Wood T, V PS NR No
12, synthetic 83.1 185 Synthetic
Fathi et al., 2019 20 (with RT) M 14.7 68.7 177 No NR CMJ
2 16 Low, MOD
and high
30-50 576 Mix RT 90 NR ≥48 NR V, T, I IS NR No
20 (without RT) 14.6 67.9 178 30-40 1,184 No
Gjinovci et al., 2017 21 F 21.8 60.8 176 Yes High CMJ
2 12 Low, MOD and high NR >924 Mix No 120-240 NR NR NR I, V NR A No
Idrizovic et al., 2018 13 F 16.6 59.4 175 Yes High CMJ
1 12 Low, MOD and high 20-60 613 Mix No 120-300 NR 168 Wood V, T, I PS A No
Kamalakkannan et al., 2011 12, water
(with weights)
NR 18 to 20 NR NR NR Normal
to MOD
3 12 NR NR 4,080 Mix No 30-90 NR NR Water V, T NR NR Yes
12, water (without weights)
Maffiuletti et al., 2002 10 M 21.8 80.5 191 NR MOD CMJ
3 4 Maximal 40 600 RBVJ Electro
180 NA NR NR No PS A No
Martel et al., 2005 10 F 15 64 167 No High CMJA
2 6 Maximal 61 >138 Mix No 30 NR NR Water V PS A No
Newton et al., 1999 8 M 19 84 189 Yes High CMJA
2 8 30-80%
NA 576 Loaded jump squat No NR NR NR NR No PS R No
Pereira et al., 2015 10 F 14.0 52.0 160 No MOD CMJ
2 8 Maximal NA 2,376 Mix No 120-180 NR 48 NR V, I IS A No
Turgut et al., 2016 8, weighted jump rope F 15 59.4 166 NR MOD
to high
3 12 NR NA 5,490 s Rope jumps No 30, 40, 50, 60
(1:1 work: rest ratio)
9, standard jump rope 14.1 57.7 165
Usman and Shenoy, 2019 30, plyo M 19.6 66 176 No MOD CMJA
2 8 NR 30-80 2,976 Mix No 60-600 5-10 NR NR No NR NR No
30, plyo + stretching Stretching
Usman and Shenoy, 2015 30, male M 19.2 66 176 No MOD CMJA
2 8 NR 30-80 2,976 Mix No 60-300 5-10 48-120 NR No NR NR No
30, female F
A: age of subject (years); BH: box height for plyometric drop jumps (cm); BM: body mass (kg); CMJ: countermovement jump; CMJA: countermovement jump with arms; Comb: combined; F: female; Freq: frequency of training (days/week); H: height of participants (cm); Int: intensity of training. For maximal, this involved either maximal effort to achieve maximal height, distance, reactive strength index, velocity, or another marker of intensity; IS: in-season; M: male; MOD: Moderate; N: number of participants; PJT: plyometric jump training; PO: progressive overload, in the form of either volume (i.e., V), intensity (i.e., I), type of drill (i.e., T), or a combination of these; PS: pre-season; R: replacement of habitual training drills with plyometric jump training drills; RBR: rest between repetitions; RBSE: rest between sets and/or exercises; RBTS: rest between training sessions; RBVJ: repeated bilateral vertical jumps; RT: resistance training; SPT: systematic plyometric jump training experience; SSC: stretch-shortening cycle; Surf: surface type; T: tapering; TJ: total plyometric jumps; TP: training period of the season; Type: type of PJT drill. When “Mix” is indicated, this involved a combination of 2 or more of the following jumping drills: vertical, horizontal, bilateral, unilateral, repeated, non-repeated, lateral, cyclic, sport-specific, slow stretch-shortening cycle, fast stretch-shortening cycle; Wk: weeks of training.*Fitness level: high, for professional/elite athletes with regular enrollment in national and/or international competitions, highly trained participants with >10 training hours per week or >6 training sessions per week and a regularly scheduled official and friendly competitions. Moderate, for non-elite/professional athletes, with a regular attendance in regional and/or national competitions, between 5 and 9.9 training hours per week or 3–5 training sessions per week and a regularly scheduled official and friendly competitions. Normal, for recreational athletes with <5 training hours per week with sporadic competitions’ participation, and for physically active participants and school-age youths regularly involved in physical education classes.