Table 1. Score, reaction time (ms) and accuracy (%) of stroop task. Data are means (±SD).
Variables Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
Baseline Test Score 11380 (2450) 10776 (1824) 10649 (1176) 10185 (1772) 1085(389) 799(253)
Reaction time 710(153) 674(113) 661(114) 631(109) 537(66) 510(63)
Accuracy 100(2) 98(4) 98(4) 98(4) 100(2) 99(2)
Color Test Score 22841 (5774) 20834 (5839) 20193 (4882) 17814 (3707) * 25363 (9237) 22990 (6665)
Reaction time 973(289) 903(249) 973(289) 903(249) 973(289) 903(249)
Accuracy 93(7) 93(7) 94(7) 95(5) 94 (76.63) 95(5)
CHO = Carbohydrate-electrolytes group. CHO-M = Carbohydrate-electrolytes couple with brief mindfulness intervention group. CON = Control group.* p < 0.05 CHO-M vs. CON.