Table 1. Pre- and post-intervention VO2, VCO2, VE, RER, HR with HSD post-hoc analysis for pre- and post-intervention differences for each group.
Variables Power [W] Group C Group E
Pre-intervention Post-intervention ∆(post – pre) P value Cohen’s d Pre-intervention Post-intervention ∆(post –pre) P value Cohen’s d
50 17.7±3.8 17.2±2.8 -0.52 0.96 0.16 17.9±4.3 15.4 ±2.4 -2.58 0.13 0.77
100 23.5±3.6 22.5±3.2 -1.08 0.75 0.32 24.5±4.5 22.5±3.2 -2.05 0.26 0.53
150 29.6±4.4 28.3±3.6 -1.22 0.54 0.31 30.5±4.3 29.1±3.9 -1.45 0.40 0.38
200 36.0±5.0 34.9±4.7 -1.07 0.70 0.22 35.8±4.5 35.4±5.4 -0.38 0.98 0.08
Max 47.1±8.9 47.6±10.2 0.50 0.97 0.05 45.6±7.5 46.7±8.3 1.15 0.80 0.15
50 977±243 867±143 -109.74 0.97 0.16 988±179 962±153 -26.23 0.36 0.57
100 1413±211 1316±99 -96.75 0.96 0.22 1390±146 1366±77 -24.21 0.31 0.62
150 1864±189 1844±92 -19.92 0.74 0.33 1897±150 1950±172 52.68 0.98 0.13
200 2404±177 2422±88 17.75 0.76 0.27 2505±171 2551±176 46.16 0.98 0.13
Max 3534±861 3648±780 114.55 0.99 0.04 3811±845 3773±947 -37.51 0.80 0.30
50 28.8±4.8 28.2±4.2 -0.56 0.99 0.12 26.9±6.0 24.6±3.3 -2.30 0.63 0.09
100 39.0±4.1 37.4±2.6 -1.53 0.79 0.45 36.9±5.0 35.6±2.1 -1.38 0.83 0.13
150 51.9±5.3 53.4±4.3 1.50 0.88 0.31 47.6±6.2 48.7±3.8 1.09 0.95 0.09
200 71.5±12.3 72.4±7.0 0.89 0.98 0.09 66.4±12.0 66.8±7.4 0.38 0.99 0.04
Max 132.3±35.1 135.8±39.8 3.51 0.92 0.09 121.5±39.5 124.8±37.1 3.33 0.93 0.09
RER 50 0.79±0.08 0.81±0.08 0.02 0.90 0.20 0.78±0.05 0.80±0.08 0.02 0.84 0.30
100 0.84±0.04 0.84±0.05 0.00 0.99 0.04 0.83±0.04 0.84±0.07 0.01 0.98 0.10
150 0.92±0.05 0.94±0.06 0.02 0.36 0.45 0.88±0.04 0.91±0.06 0.03 0.45 0.49
200 0.99±0.05 1.00±0.05 0.01 0.60 0.25 0.97±0.04 0.98±0.05 0.01 0.83 0.18
Max 1.38±0.08 1.45±0.09 0.07 0.26 0.78 1.31±0.12 1.42±0.12 0.11 0.04* 1.30
50 113±20 104±11 -10.55 0.17 0.69 109±16 100.0±11.86 -8.91 0.30 0.65
100 125±20 120±15 -4.55 0.74 0.27 126±15 117±13 -9.27 0.20 0.65
150 146±18 142±16 -4.09 0.68 0.24 142±16 137±16 -5.00 0.53 0.31
200 166±19 162±17 -4.01 0.53 0.23 161±17 156±17 -4.73 0.41 0.28
Max 190±10 188±8 -2.46 0.83 0.28 182±10 185±14 2.18 0.87 0.18
BMI [kg·m-2] 22.97±2.17 22.93±2.27 -0.05 0.28 0.02 22.99±2.24 23.05±2.17 0.06 0.64 0.03
FM [kg] 14.51± 6.02 15.12±5.89 0.16 0.858 0.10 16.90±5.17 17.45±5.34 0.55 0.44 0.10
FFM [kg] 57.64±11.46 56.55±8.83 -1.09 0.533 0.11 53.83±12.86 52.70±9.87 -1.13 0.59 0.10
GLY[micromol·l-1] ∆ 39.10 ∆ 74.40 35.30 0.476 0.55 ∆ 41.60 ∆ 68.50 26.90 0.28 0.57
*significantly different vs. pre-intervention value; VO2 – oxygen uptake, VCO2 – carbon dioxide production, VE – respiratory minute ventilation, RER – respiratory exchange ratio (VCO2/VO2-1), HR – heart rate, BMI – body mass index, FM – fat mass, FFM – fat-free mass, GLY – glycogen concentration; data are mean ± SD