Simple Reaction Time (SRT) |
Measures visuomotor processing speed, simple motor speed and attention. A series of symbols was presented on display; the subject had to respond as quickly as possible by clicking on the mouse each time the symbol appeared. |
Coded Substitution-Learning (CDS) |
Measures visual scanning, visual perception, attention, associative learning, and information processing. The subject compared a displayed digit-symbol pair with a set of defined digit-symbol pairs (the key) presented at the top of the screen. The subject pressed on the designated mouse button to indicate whether the pair in question was correct or incorrect relative to the key. |
Procedural Reaction Time (PRO) |
Measures information processing speed, visuomotor reaction time, simple decision making, and attention. The subject was presented with a number (2-5); the subject pressed one designated button for a low number (2 or 3) or another designated button for a high number (4 or 5). |
Mathematical Processing (MTH) |
Assesses basic computational skills, concentration, and working memory. Arithmetic problems involving 3 single-digit numbers and 2 operators were displayed. The subject pressed buttons to indicate whether the answer to the problem is less than 5 or greater than 5. |
Coded Substitution-Delay (CDD) |
A measure of learning and delayed visual recognition memory. The subject was presented with a digit-symbol pair and must decide from memory if the pairing was correct based on the key presented during the Code Substitution (learning) test taken earlier. |
Go/No-Go (GNG) |
Measures response inhibition. The subject was presented with two characters, “x” and “o.” The subject responded as quickly as possible to the “x” by pressing a button each time it appeared. When the “o” appeared, the user was to do nothing. |
Simple Reaction Time 2 (SR2) |
A repeat of the SRT task (see above). |