Table 1. The reliability statistics for CCI2, k and SEM of ROM50%, for the three collection sessions.
Gender Session Predicted values for ROMmax P value
ROMmax predicted r R2 (%) SEE (°)
Women S1 15.5 + (0.94 x ROMFSS) 0.96 92.16 7.62 0.97
S2 15.1 + (0.88 x ROMFSS) 0.85 72.25 7.54 0.94
S3 15.3 + (0.86 x ROMFSS) 0.83 68.89 9.12 0.93
Men S1 26.4 + (0.82 x ROMFSS) 0.89 79.21 9.32 0.95
S2 22.4 + (0.80 x ROMFSS) 0.88 77.44 9.75 0.95
S3 24.2 + (0.77 x ROMFSS) 0.82 67.24 10.72 0.93
r = Pearson correlation value; R2 = coefficient of determination; SEE = Standard Error of Estimate; S1, S2 and S3 = experimental sessions; y = ROMmaxobserved; y’ = ROMmaxpredicted; p value = p value for the means comparisons between the observed and expected values of ROMmax.