Table 1. Demographic characteristics of the study population.
Demographic characteristic N (%)
Number of observations 884
Female 672 (76.02)
Male 212 (23.98)
Age in years, mean (SD; 95% CI) 22.36
(±1.99; 22.23-22.49)
Born in Germany
Yes 866 (97.96)
No 16 (1.81)
Missing 2 (0.23)
Community size
Large metropolis (≥500,000 inhabitants) 57 (6.45)
Small metropolis
(100,000 to <500,000 inhabitants)
141 (15.95)
City (20,000 to <100,000 inhabitants) 273 (30.88)
Small city (5,000 to 20,000 inhabitants) 181 (20.48)
Rural community (less than 5,000 inhabitants) 231 (26.13)
Missing 1 (0.11)
High school degree
Yes 879 (99.43)
No 5 (0.57)
Vocational degree
No vocational degree 493 (55.77)
College/ university 244 (27.60)
Technical college 12 (1.36)
Vocational training 135 (15.27)
Financial coping
Very well 296 (33.48)
Well 360 (40.72)
With minor difficulties 155 (17.53)
With difficulties 48 (5.43)
With major difficulties 30 (2.26)
I do not know 5 (0.57)
Access to the questionnaire via
Social media 23 (2.60)
College/university (e.g. mailing lists) 765 (86.54)
School 17 (1.92)
Acquaintances/friends 74 (8.37)
Another way 5 (0.57)
N number of observations, SD standard deviation, CI confidence interval