Table 1. Selected examples of children’s cooperative games used for each intervention and their associated locomotor skills (ls) and object control skills (ocs). The games were included in a menu of one hundred games available for the active play (CON) and the guided active play (GAP) locomotor (LOC) and object control (OC) interventions.
Red-light, Yellow-light r, g, l Ball in hula hoop ot Red-light, Yellow-light r, g, h
What time is it Mr. Wolf? r, l, s Clear Out k, c, ot, ur Huckle buckle r
Wizards, Elves & Giants r, l, s 4-way soccer k, c Ship to shore r
Crash r, g, h, l, j, s Ball in hula hoop d, ot Octopus r, s, l, j
Fishes and Whales r, s, l, j Racquet balloon st Freeze dance h, s
Crocodile, Crocodile r, g, h Elimination ot, c, ur Coloured Eggs r, g, h, l, j, s
Blog Tag r, l, s Obstacle course st, d, k, c, ot, ur, c Basketball bump r, l, d
Band-aid Tag r, l, s Soccer Baseball st, c, ur Wizards, Elves & Giants r, l, s
Lined Tag r, h, j Dr. Dodgeball ot, c, ur European hand ball r, l, ot, c
Zombie Tag r, l, s Commander (Simon Says) ot, d, c, ur Croquet r, s
Arches Tag r, l, s Football Throw (hoop) ot, c Snake’s Tail r, s
Crows and Cranes r, l, s Pin Dodgeball ur, c, ot Dodgeball r, l, ot, c
Coloured Eggs r, g, h, l, j, s Catch Relay ot, c Blog Tag r, l, s
Jail Break r, s, h, j Crab Walk and Bean Bag Toss ot Lined Tag r, h, j
LS: run (r); jump (j); hop (h); gallop (g); leap (l); slide (s): OCS: overhand throw (ot), kick (k); underhand roll (ur); catch (c); dribble (d); striking (st).