Table 1. Results of the total linear regression model, including the variables treatment (intervention/control) and time (pre/post).
b p SE b 95% CI
Posterior Power Line (PPL)
Treatment control -3.412 0.095 1.919 -7.359, 0.536
Time post -5.235 0.003* 1.599 -8.395, -2.075
Treatment control x Time post 6.588 0.007* 2.261 2.120, 11.057
Posterior Stabilizing Line (PSL)
Treatment control -1.941 0.176 1.370 -4.758, 0.876
Time post -4.471 0.002* 1.309 -7.058, -1.883
Treatment control x Time post 5.294 0.007* 1.852 1.635, 8.953
*Indicates a statistically significant effect.