Table 1. Average number (mean ± SD) and range of the tibialis anterior motor units identified for the group who trained with alternating leg actions (AG) and the group who trained with bilateral leg actions (CG) in the dominant leg at 8 target forces during isometric contractions with the dorsiflexors.
Group Target force
2.5% 5% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
AG 15 ± 6*
16 ± 7*
18 ± 7*
16 ± 7*
17 ± 7*
14 ± 7
12 ± 5*
11 ± 5
CG 7 ± 4
10 ± 6
10 ± 6
9 ± 5
9 ± 5
9 ± 6
7 ± 4
7 ± 4
*p < 0.05Abbreviation: AG = participants who trained with alternating leg actions; CG = participants who trained with bilateral leg actions.