Table 1. ICC (1,3) for the cross-sectional area and thickness at the proximal 25% and distal 75%, and PL and PB strength tests.
ICC 1,3 95% CI SEM MDC p-value
Cross-sectional area (mm2) Proximal 25% 0.93 0.86-0.97 16.37 45.37 <0.001
Distal 75% 0.97 0.96-0.99 9.07 25.15 <0.001
Thickness (mm) Proximal 25% 0.92 0.85-0.96 0.58 1.60 <0.001
Distal 75% 0.95 0.91-0.98 0.38 1.06 <0.001
Ankle strength (N/kg) PL strength test 0.92 0.84-0.96 0.06 0.16 <0.001
PB strength test 0.94 0.88-0.97 0.12 0.34 <0.001
ICC: intraclass correlation coefficients, ICC (95% CI: confidence interval), SEM: standard error of measurement, MDC: minimal detectable change, PL: peroneus longus, PB: peroneus brevis.