Table 1. Descriptive measures of the study participants.
Characteristics Median (IQR)
Age (years) 20.5 (3.0)
Height (m) 1.72 (0.05)
Weight (kg) 65.7 (6.0)
BMI (kg/m2) 22.5 (2.4)
Fat mass (kg) 9.4 (5.2)
% Body Fat (%) 15.4 (5.0)
Muscle mass (kg)
Total skeletal muscle mass 32.1 (4.9)
Right arm 3.0 (0.7)
Left arm 2.8 (0.6)
Right leg 9.1 (1.0)
Left leg 9.0 (0.9)
Trunk 23.9 (3.7)
BMI: body mass index; IQR: interquartile range