Table 1. Descriptive statistics and results of two-way ANOVA for both flexibility tests.
Parameter Pretest (M±SD) Posttest (M±SD) Pre-Post % Differences Time effect Time x group
IG 1RM (kg) 75.25 ± 33.62 79.69 ± 34.0 +7.4 ± 5.6 p < 0.001
F29,1 = 18.414
Æž² = 0.388
p = 0.002
F29,2 = 11.314
Æž² = 0.281
Control 1RM (kg) 68.65 ± 25.76 69.19 ± 26.11 +0.7 ± 2.5
IGISO (N) 649.99 ± 337.07 685.53 ± 325.11 +12.1 ± 22.3 p = 0.003
F29,1 = 10.801
Æž² = 0.271
p = 0.754
F29,2 = 0.1
Æž² = 0.003
Control ISO (N) 600.50 ± 251.37 643.61 ± 241.67 +9.3 ± 15.0
IGROM (cm) 54.61 ± 9.05 49.28 ± 8.7 -9.8 ± 5.0 p < 0.001
F29,1 = 40.318
Æž² = 0.582
p < 0.001
F29,2 = 32.001
Æž² = 0.53
CGROM (cm) 50.00 ± 5.34 49.69 ± 5.7 -0.7 ± 2.5
IG = intervention group, CG = control group, 1RM = one repetition maximum, ISO = isometric maximum strength, ROM = range of motion, kg = kilogram, N = Newton, cm = centimeter, M = mean, SD = standard deviation