Table 1. Perceived team cohesion scores among athletes.
Participants with low team cohesion (n = 5) Participants with average team cohesion (n = 26) Participants with high team cohesion (n = 115) F P Eta2
M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)
Individualism vs collectivism 3.20 (2.16) 1.08 (1.29) 5.33 (1.70) 71.55 0.00* 0.70
Social cohesion 1.60 (2.19) 6.58 (1.72) 7.59 (.84) 75.23 0.00* 0.71
Team spirit 3.00 (3.31) 3.69 (2.65) 7.65 (.70) 105.52 0.00* 0.72
* p < .001