Table 1. Relevant aspects when designing a training plan and corresponding rating scale which was used to evaluate ChatGPT generated training plans
Relevant aspects when designing a training plan Rating
Bad Good Not Applicable Comment
Primary Aspects 1 2 3 4 5
Rate the overall training plan
Rate the advice given to screen for individuals at increased risk for adverse exercise-related events such as cardiovascular, pulmonary, and metabolic diseases as well as other conditions
Rate the defined goal
Rate the overall testing procedure
Rate the testing procedure of the training plan regarding…
…assessment of the initial performance status
…assessment of individual training variables
…assessment of training effects (e.g. performance, physiological, subjective, biomechanical, cognitive measures)
Rate the overall monitoring procedure
Rate the monitoring procedure of the training plan regarding…
…assessment of internal load (e.g. via heart rate, subjective markers)
…assessment of external load (e.g. via covered distance, speed)
…assessment of contextual factors (e.g. environmental temperature, hypoxia)
Rate the training type
Rate the training volume
Rate the training intensity
Rate the training frequency
Rate the progression of training volume
Rate the progression of training intensity
Rate the progression of training frequency
Secondary Aspects Rate the included nutritional aspects
Rate the included recovery aspects
Rate the included psychological skills
Rate the skill acquisition