Table 2. Effects of SCI and FES-CE on myosin heavy chain composition (%) pre-treatment vs. post-treatment. Values are mean (± SEM).
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
Type I 41.4(13.8) 43.3(11.9) 38.8(14.9) 36.8(11.1) 42.5(13.5) 45.4(26.2)
Type IIa 43.9(9.2) 35.3(8.8) 38.2(11.0) 32.6(18.6) 39.0(17.5) 36.5(10.8)
Type IIx 19.2(10.1) 21.4(8.4) 23.8(5.8) 28.9(6.6) 18.5(5.6) 26.1(12.3)
UIC; uninjured control, IC; injured control, IE; injured exercise trained.