Table 2. Maximal, symptom limited (exercise stop; leg fatigue-10, dyspne-10), incremental exercise tests (test increment; 20 Watts·min-1) results.
Peak Predicted % Predicted
Power (Watts) 205 200 †  (101%)
VO2 (L·min-1) 2.523 2.657 †  (96%)
VO2 (ml·kg-1·min-1) 41.1 43.0 * (96%)
∆VO2/∆WR 11.5 8.7-11.9
VT (VO2 L·min-1) 1.486 >1.062L
>40% Pred. VO2
HR (beats·min-1) 167 200 (84%)
Heart Rate Reserve 33 <15bpm
O2 Pulse (ml·beat-1) 15.11 13.29 (114%)
BP (mmHg) 152/94
VT(L) 1.7 (60%)
VE/MVVmeas 123/125 ~70% (99%)
f (br·min-1) 67 <60
VE/VCO2 (at VT) 31 (N<34)
RER 1.21 >1.12
* American Heart Association (American College of Sports Medicine, 2000)†  Hansen Cycling Norms (Hansen and Wasserman, 1984)