Table 2. The effect of creatine supplementation on repeated interval swim set performance.
Subjects Supplementation Protocol Test Protocol Results
Performance Body Composition
Havenetidis et al. 1996 21 (11 Male; 10 Female)
Elite swimmers
2 identical supplementation periods; 4 months apart
5g Creatine OR 5g placebo
5 x per day, 4 Days
No randomisation, double blinded
Stroke not specified
10x50m sprints at 1min intervals
8x100m sprints at 2min intervals
15x100m sprints at 1min 40sec intervals
Greater improvements in
performance for the creatine group
compared to the placebo group
following the first
supplementation period.
Further improvements in
performance following the second
supplementation period for the creatine group.
Not specified
Grindstaff et al. 1997 18 (7 Male; 11 Female)
~ 15 yrs
competitive amateur swimmers
21g Creatine monohydrate + 4.2g
maltodextrin OR 25.2g maltodextrin
9 Days
Randomised, double blinded
3x100m sprints
60sec passive rest between sprints
Swim 1 and 2: Improved
performance for the creatine group oOnly.
Swim 3: No changes in
performance in either group
Trend towards reduced cumulative
sprint time in the creatine group.
No significant
differences between
groups in changes in
total body mass and
percent body water.
Changes in fat free mass
tended to be greater in
the creatine group.
Changes in fat mass and
percent body fat
tended to be lower in
the creatine group.
Peyrebrune et al. 1998 14 (Male)
~ 20-21 yrs
National level swimmers
3g Creatine + 1.5g maltodextrin + 1.5g
glucose OR 6g glucose
3 x per day, 5 Days
Randomised, double blinded
Preferred stroke
8x50yd sprints at 1min
30sec intervals
Significant reduction in
cumulative swim time (2%) in the
creatine group.
Not specified
Theodorou and Cooke 1998 12 (8 Males; 4 Females)
~ 17 yrs
Elite Swimmers
Acute loading period: 5g creatine
5 x per day, 4 days
Maintenance period: 5g creatine OR 5g placebo
1 x per day, 8 weeks
Randomised, blinding not specified
Stroke not specified
10x50m sprints; 60sec -
swim time recovery
8x100m sprints; 2min -
swim time recovery
Significant improvements in mean
swim time (2%) after acute
No significant difference in mean
swim time between post acute
loading and the end of 2 months.
Not specified
Leenders et al. 1999 32 (18 Male; 14 Female)
~ 19 yrs
Competitive university swimmers
Acute loading period: 4 x 5g creatine
dissolved in 150ml 6% maltodextrin solution
OR 150ml 6% maltodextrin solution
4 x per day, 6 days
Maintenance period: 5g Creatine dissolved in
150ml 6% maltodextrin solution OR 150ml
maltodextrin solution
2 x per day, 7 days Randomised, double blinded
Preferred stroke
6x50m sprints at 3min intervals
10x25yd sprints at 60s intervals
Significant improvement in
velocity (2%) over 6x50m interval
set in males only following
creatine supplementation.
No improvements in velocity over
10x25y interval set in males or
females following creatine
No significant changes
in body mass, fat free
mass and percent body fat.
Theodorou et al. 1999 22 (12 Male; 10 Female)
~ 19 yrs
National level swimmers
Acute loading period: 5g creatine
5 x per day, 4 days
Maintenance period: 5g creatine
monohydrate OR 5g polythene glycol 4000
1 x per day, 8 weeks
Randomised, blinding not specified
Stroke not specified
10x50m sprints; 60sec -
swim time recovery
8x100m sprints; 2min -
swim time recovery
15x100m sprints; 2min -
swim time recovery
Significant improvements in mean
swim time (1.5%) after acute Loading.
No significant difference in mean
swim time between post acute
loading and the end of 2 months
maintenance for either group.
Significant increase in
body mass (0.6%)
following acute
creatine loading.
Mendes et al. 2004 18 (12 Male; 6 Female)
~ 19 yrs
Competitive swimmers
5g Creatine + 20g CHO OR 20g CHO
4 x per day, 8 Days
Double blind, placebo controlled
Preferred stroke
3 x 3 x 50m sprints
30 second intervals
between sprints
150 second intervals
between sets
No effect on performance in either Group. Significant increase in
total body mass, lean
body mass and body
water in the creatine
group only.
No change in bone or
muscle mass.
Mero et al. 2004 16 (8 Male; 8 Female)
~ 17-18 yrs
National level swimmers
5g Creatine OR 5g maltodextrin
4 x per day, 6 Days
0.3g Maltodextrin OR 0.3g Sodium
Bicarbonate per kg of body weight on the
test day
2 x 100m sprints
10 minutes passive rest
between sprints
Increase in swim time between the
2 sprints was greater in the
placebo group than the
combination creatine and sodium
bicarbonate group.
No significant changes
in body weight or
percent body fat.
Theodorou et al. 2005 10 (6 Male; 4 Female)
~ 17-18 yrs
High performance
5g Creatine OR 5g creatine + 500ml glucose
5 x per day, 4 Days
Randomised, blinding not specified
Preferred stroke
10x50m sprints; 60sec -
swim time recovery
8x100m sprints; 2min -
swim time recovery
Significant improvements in swimming velocity for both
groups (2% Cr only group; 0.7%
Cr + CHO group)
No significant difference in the
magnitude of improvement
between groups
Most swimmers
gained weight.
Mean weight gain was larger in the creatine + carbohydrate group than the creatine only group. Significant and positive correlation between
increase in mean
velocity and increase
in mean body mass in creatine and carbohydrate group only.