Table 2. Blood lactate and slow component of VO kinetics (s. c. VO) when cycling in control and fatigue conditions. Values are means (±SD).
Blood lactate (mM) s. c. VO2 (l min-1)
Control Fatigue Control Fatigue
70 2.33 (.71) 2.15 (1.02) .04 (.10) .07 (.09)
105 2.22 (.47) 2.15 (.77) .06 (.08) .08 (.03)
140 2.42 (.73) 2.75 (.95) .08 (.07) .11 (.11)
175 3.93 (1.39) # 3.15 (1.13) # .17 (.09) # .13 (.15)
# Significant (p < 0.05) differences from the values at 70 W.