Table 2. Set outcomes when player A has in half the matches a probability of 0.705 of winning a set and in half the matches a probability of 0.833 of winning a set.
Category Observed Expected Obs-Exp Chi-Squared
WWW 2330 2340.77 -10.77 0.05
WWLW 503 541.71 -38.71 2.77
WLWW 487 541.71 -54.71 5.53
LWWW 609 541.71 67.29 8.36
WWLLW 151 152.85 -1.85 .02
WLWLW 135 152.85 -17.85 2.08
WLLWW 186 152.85 33.15 7.19
LWWLW 138 152.85 -14.85 1.44
LWLWW 156 152.85 3.15 .06
LLWWW 188 152.85 35.15 8.08
Total 4883 4883 .00 35.59