Table 2. The parameters of the distributions of points in a tiebreaker and advantage set for different values of and .
pA pB MpsTA UpsTA CpsTA SpsTA KpsTA MpsA UpsA CpsA SpsA KpsA
.50 .50 65.83 16.54 .25 .55 -.04 67.71 21.15 .31 1.62 4.75
.50 .60 61.99 15.97 .26 .65 .18 63.39 19.76 .31 1.71 5.39
.50 .70 54.73 13.75 .25 .85 .88 55.39 16.01 .29 1.89 7.46
.50 .75 51.64 12.44 .24 .89 1.20 52.06 14.08 .27 1.92 8.44
.60 .60 65.59 16.03 .24 .55 -.18 69.32 24.92 .36 2.12 7.27
.60 .70 63.08 14.99 .24 .58 -.15 68.35 27.97 .41 2.60 10.22
.60 .75 60.67 14.32 24 .63 -.05 66.01 28.12 .43 2.83 11.98
.70 .70 66.22 14.96 .23 .25 -.81 86.43 53.11 .61 2.47 8.67
.75 .75 67.59 13.74 .20 -.15 -.82 125.50 101.81 .81 2.24 7.22