Table 2. The exercise training response of the phenotypes among the subjects with angiotensin I converting enzyme gene Insertion / Deletion polymorphism. Values are means (±SD).
(n= 26)
(n = 47)
(n = 11)
I allele
(n = 73)
D allele
(n = 58)
Weight (kg) -.78 (1.56) -.45 (2.56) -.50 (1.15) -.32 (2.25) -.46 (2.35)
BMI .84 (.07) .20 (1.20) .14 (.50) .16 (1.06) .19 (1.10)
SBP (mmHg) -.89 (28.24) -2.79 (20.17) -1.67 (19.78) -2.12 (23.19) -2.58 (19.93)
DBP (mmHg) .40 (10.92) -1.23 (10.70) -1.21 (11.96) -.65 (10.73) -1.22 (10.84)
MBP (mmHg) -.03 (14.63) -1.75 (12.26) -1.36 (13.87) -1.14 (13.08) -1.68 (12.45)
LEP (Watt·kg-1) .76 (1.42) 1.50 (2.43) 1.52 (4.06) 1.24 (2.14) 1.51 (2.76)
LT (METs) .43 (.81) .95 (.79) .74 (.93) .76 (0.83) .91 (.82)
HR (beat·min-1) 2.14 (8.84) -.96 (8.17) -.44 (4.84) .15 (8.48) -.86 (7.61)
QTc (msec) 9.81 (17.73) -2.70 (17.28) -7.77 (12.28)# * 1.76 (18.34) -3.66 (16.47) #
R+S (mV) .18 (.67) .27 (.71) .04 (.31) .24 (.69) .22 (.66)
QRS (msec) -.03 (11.20) -4.54 (11.94) -3.18 (8.89) -2.93 (11.81) -4.28 (11.37)
# p < 0.05 (vs I allele ).* p < 0.05 (vs I/I),Abbreviations: LEP, Leg extension power; LT Lactate threshold.