Table 2. Test-retest percentage change in the mean, coefficient of variation (CV) and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) for the jump variables as calculated between two testing occasions.
Variable % Change CV(%) ICC
Displacement (cm) 0.43 2.26 0.95
CT (s) -2.47 5.04 0.90
Impulse H (Ns) 2.53 4.74 0.96
Impulse V (Ns) 1.16 8.28 0.84
Mean HGRF (N) 6.50 5.66 0.95
Mean VGRF (N) 2.81 5.74 0.74
Peak HGRF (N) 6.81 5.86 0.94
Peak VGRF (N) 4.60 5.71 0.84
RC (cm·s-1) 7.25 7.78 0.84