Table 2. Sample of interview questions used.
Section 1:
General Sport Background

Section 2:
Social Support Resources

Section 3:

Can you tell me about your general sport background starting from the year or a few months prior to you getting into the OHL leading to the present?

Can you tell me who helps you with [prompt with identified challenge]?

How does [family member, coach, teammate, friend, host family, player agent, other identified] help you with [prompt with identified challenge]?

How was that experience relevant during your middle/late adolescent years?

Can you share any experiences in regards to how your player agent is supportive?

Are there any actions from any of the providers of support that you would benefit more from?

Are there any actions from any of the providers of support that have taken away from your performance? Ideally, how would you improve the situation?

In regards to the pressures you face, do you receive any help from people that we have not discussed that would benefit the study or better represent your experiences?

Are there any other questions or topics that I should have asked about, but didn’t regarding your experiences?