Table 2. Pearson's correlation coefficients for AGE in years, selected variables for males and females.
Males (n = 36)
Age range: 17-64 years
Females (n = 20)
Age range: 16-54 years
HRmax(beat·min-1) -.36 *
VO2max (L·min-1) - .63 **
y = -0.035x + 5.97
- .55 *
y = -0.025x + 4.19
VO2max (ml·kg-1·min-1) - .72 **
y = -0.65x + 83.4
- .54 *
y = -0.39x + 66
O2max (ml·kg-1·beat-1) - .57 **
y = -0.003x + .45
Power at VO2max (Watts·kg-1) - .72 **
y = -0.048x + 6.45
Power at [La-]4mmol - .76 **
y = -0.044x + 4.98
- .53 *
y = -0.019x + 3.47
* and ** denote p < 0.05 and p < 0.01. For significant associations, the regression equation is shown, where y is the variable and x is age