Table 2. General dimension: Negative consequences of feedback.
First order theme Raw data Source
Affected performance “If that feedback is good and constructive you can go into the second half thinking ‘great, yeah’, and it could be the other way because if it’s bad and it has affected your confidence and your ability to perform then it could have the reverse effect” Dual interviews
Assessor effect “When anybody’s watching me in a netball match I fall apart! (laughter)” Dual interviews
Conflicting feedback “Instructional, slightly conflicted with the first game so am a little confused now” UFQ
Focus “At the Commonwealths and Worlds I received interval feedback, and um, it’s often very difficult to take it onboard when you’ve got a close game, you’ve got a big crowd and lots of noise going on and all you want to do is focus on your own preparation for the next quarter rather than someone telling you what to do” Telephone interviews
Raised awareness of/ reminded of weakness “I felt negative, as I was aware fitness played an issue and feedback didn’t lift me” UFQ
Undermined confidence “I was left feeling that I shouldn’t be umpiring. So you know I mean that knocked my confidence in umpiring” Dual interviews