Table 2 ActiGraph output and METs [mean (SD)] for each activity.
Intensity Predicted METs* ActiGraph (countsĀ·min-1) ActiGraph (countsĀ·2s-1)
Sedentary (standing quietly) 1.2 24 (54) 0.8 (1.8)
Very light (catching ball) 2.5 1563 (879) 52.1(29.3)
Light (walking, 4 3.2 2163 (783) 72.1 (26.1)
Moderate (walking, 6 4.3 4242 (1092) 141.4 (36.4)
Vigorous (running, 8 6.7 5661 (1155) 188.7 (38.5)
Hard (jumping on the spot) 10 12402 (2970) 413.4 (99.0)
* METs estimated from previously published work. METs for standing and catching: (Ridley and Olds, 2008): mean adult METs; METs for walking, 4 kmhr, walking, 6 kmhr, running, 8 (Harrell et al., 2005) ; METs for jumping: (Ainsworth et al., 2000) : moderate jumping, code=#15552.