Table 2. Citrate synthase activity and histological properties of the plantaris muscle. Values are means (±SD).
Control group
(n = 5)
Training group
(n = 12)
Citrate synthase activity (μmol·min-1·mg protein-1 ) .25 (.01) .30(.03) *
Mean fiber area (μm2) 7063 (419) 7195(969)
Number of myonuclei per muscle fiber 2.03 (.14) 2.48 (.40) *
Myonuclear domain (μm2) 3489 (350) 2983 (389) *
Number of satellite cells per muscle fiber .021 (.004) .032 (.007) *
Percentage of satellite cells (%) 1.03 (.17) 1.27 (.15) *
*Significantly different from control group, P < 0.05. The percentage of satellite cells (%) = [number of satellite cells/(total number of myonuclei and satellite cells)] × 100.