Table 2. Front foot maximal and average insole regional pressures (R1-R9) during the golf swing with a driver, and also at ball impact.
Shoe Insole regional pressures (kPa)
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R7 R8 R9
Metal 93.8 36.2 * 83.7 19.4 * 115.3 *†  97.2 132.6 114.5
Alternative 96.0 33.0 78.8 17.0 87.6 * 96.3 133.8 115.3
Flat 104.7 27.4 * 87.3 13.4 * 102.3 †  102.4 130.0 115.7
Metal 41.8 * 16.6 * 34.0 * 10.2 * 44.7 35.2 45.0 48.7
Alternative 43.9 17.3 †  35.8 10.7 †  39.2 35.1 46.6 48.5
Flat 52.7 * 12.8 * †  39.8 * 7.7 * †  42.3 37.6 41.2 47.9
Ball Impact
Metal 38.6 9.8* 28.7 5.9 * 29.2 35.36 48.9 49.3
Alternative 37.0 7.7 27.7 4.3 28.2 33.25 47.8 49.1
Flat 35.8 4.52* 26.7 2.7 * 27.7 33.05 44.2 48.4
* and †  indicate significant difference between shoes within region p < 0.05.