Table 2. English version of items.
1 I have more fun playing games and sports than anything else.
2 I like to exercise a lot.
3 I am told that I am good at games and sports.
4 I get teased by other teens when I play games and sports.
5 I think that the more exercise you get, the better.
6 I enjoy exercise a lot.
7 I really like to run a lot.
8 I don’t mind getting out of breath after I play hard.
9 I think it is very important to always be in good shape.
10 Playing games and sports is my favorite thing.
11 I am popular when I play games and sports.
12 I look forward to playing games and sports.
13 I really like to exercise
14 I feel good when I run hard.
15 I try to stay in good shape.
16 My parents practice games and sport skills with me a lot.
17 My parents tell me that I am good at games and sports
18 My parents encourage me to play games and sports.
19 My parents play games and sports with me.
20 My parents give me equipment to play games and sports.
21 My parents really help me to be good at sports.
22 My parents get a lot of exercise.
23 My parents enjoy physical activity and exercise.
24 My parents are in a really good shape.
25 My parents have fun doing physical activity.
26 My parents try to stay in a good shape.
27 My parents are pretty sure that they are a good athlete.
28 My parents really like to exercise.
29 My parents like physical activity and exercise.
30 I do very well at all kinds of sports.
31 I am better than others my age at sports.
32 I am pretty sure that I am a good athlete.
33 I am better than others at most sports.
34 My parents feel that I do very well at all kinds of sports.
35 My parents think that I am better than others my age at sports.
36 My parents are pretty sure that I am a good athlete.
37 My parents think that I am better than others at most sports.
38 I have access to sporting facilities nearby my home.
39 I can take sporting courses in my district.
40 My school provides sporting activities for me outside the physical education classes.
41 The private sport clubs in my area offer sporting activities.
42 My parents give me financial support for my physical activity participation.
43 My parents take me to the venues of my sporting courses or physical activities.