Table 2. Odds ratios for the elevated hepatic enzymes and NAFL in the groups classified by fitness level (n = 84).
Model 1 a Model 2 b Model 3 c Model 4 d
OR 95%CI p OR 95%CI p OR 95%CI p OR 95%CI p
Elevated AST
Moderate CF .11 .02-.55 .007 .12 .02-.58 .009 .13 .02-.78 .025 .14 .02-.85 .033
High CF .06 .01-.36 .002 .06 .01-.42 .004 .07 .01-.49 .008 .07 .01-.58 .013
Elevated ALT
Moderate CF .25 .06-.94 .041 .28 .07-1.07 .063 .48 .11-2.02 .314 .52 .12-2.29 .390
High CF .15 .04-.58 .006 .20 .05-.83 .027 .29 .07-1.25 .096 .39 .09-1.79 .226
Elevated GGT
Moderate CF .99 .28-3.47 .981 1.08 .31-3.81 .906 1.15 .29-4.65 .842 1.30 .32-5.25 .714
High CF .52 .14-1.90 .320 .66 .17-2.53 .545 .60 .14-2.52 .488 .78 .18-3.37 .740
High liver fat
Moderate CF .35 .08-1.49 .155 .37 .09-1.63 .191 1.04 .18--5.86 .963 1.06 .19-5.92 .950
High CF .21 .05-.99 .048 .28 .06-1.33 .109 .62 .10-3.63 .592 .77 .12-4.77 .778
These odds ratios are referring for that in the low CF group. Abbreviations are denoted in text.: Adjusted for age, sex, disease type, daily ethanol intake and current smoking.: Added adjusting for abdominal obesity to the Model 1.: Added adjusting for hyperinsulinemia to the Model 1. Added adjusting for abdominal obesity and hyperinsulinemia to the Model 1. CI: confidence interval