Table 2. Coaches indications of concussive signs and symptoms.
Yes No Correct Response Valovich-McLeod et al.(2007)
Drowsiness* 9 17 34.6%
Eating more than usual 0 26 100.0%
Hyperactivity 0 26 100.0%
Excitement 0 26 100.0%
Fatigue* 1 25 3.8%
Talking more than usual 0 26 100.0%
Difficulty Concentrating* 8 18 30.8%
Calmness 0 26 100.0%
Feeling Slowed Down* 6 20 23.1%
Feeling Mentally Foggy* 8 18 30.8%
Nausea* 8 18 30.8% 55.8%
Dizziness* 20 6 76.9% 88.5%
Difficulty Hearing 3 23 88.5%
Headache* 21 5 80.8% 77.6%
Frustration 0 26 100.0%
Impatient 0 26 100.0%
Nervousness* 1 25 3.8%
Sleeping More Than Usual* 2 24 7.7% 12.8%
Elation 0 26 100.0%
Confusion* 16 10 61.5% 89.0%
Loss of Consciousness* 4 19 82.6% 42.3%
* indicates a sign or symptom commonly associated with concussion.