Table 2. Classifications of rules by various authors.
Source Type of rule Definition
Robles (1984) Ontic Essential aspects (space, time, subjects, competences, and procedures).
Technical-conventional Necessary requirements for carrying out the game action.
Deontic Non-permitted behaviors with the goal of monitoring the game.
Elias and Dunning (1986) Fixed Stable delimitation.
Elastic Game actions and the strategies to achieve the game objective.
Shogan (1988) Regulatory More efficient game administration and management.
Constitutive Characteristics of a game.
Descriptive Dimensions of the game space, size, and equipment size and shape.
Prescriptive Actions that the individuals can execute during the game.
Proscriptive Dangerous actions that the individuals cannot execute.
Hernández (1998) Formal Structural aspects of the game (game space, players, time, way of scoring, and materials).
Functional Development of the game action (way of using the equipment and the game space, participation of each player, relationship between teammates and opponents, and penalties for infractions).
Quasi-moral Actions of honorability during the game.
Drewe (2000) Regulatory Character of discipline.
Constitutive Nature of the game.
Navarro (2002) Agreement Informal, previous establishment with consent and agreement.
Regulation Conventional and obligatory character.
Norm Sanctioned layout that establishes the limits of the action.
Lagardera and Lavega (2003) Ontic (descriptive) Basic conditions so that the game is possible (space and time, equipment and objects, subjects and their competences).
Deontic (norms) Inappropriate behaviors and their sanctions.
Prescriptive (of the game) Necessary requirements to execute the action (obligations, rights, and prohibitions together).
Cudd (2007) Constitutive Permitted movements, how to achieve the goals of the game, and the sanctions for violations.
About decency and fair play Movements, strategies, and behaviors that are informally allowed.