Table 2. Subjects characteristics according to the presence of the R allele. Values are means (± standard deviation).
Variables R (n= 116) XX (n = 25) P
Age (years) 21.8 (2.4) 22.56 (4.3) .234
Height (m) 1.76 (.07) 1.74 (5.6) .196
Body mass Pre (kg) 72.2 (14.3) 70.4 (12.6) .579
Post (kg) 73.3 (15.6) 71.0 (10.6) .587
Body mass index Pre (kg·cmË—-2) 23.4 (3.9) 23.3 (3.6) .915
Post (kg·cmË—-2) 23.7 (4.1) 23.2 (2.6) .659
Knee extensors PT Pre (Nm) 225 (39) 224 (27) .868
Post (Nm) 240 (39) * 241 (33) * .917
Delta variation (%) 6.6 7.7 .996 **
Bench press 1RM Pre (kg) 59.6 (13.5) 59.5 (17.5) .983
Post (kg) 66.6 (12.2) * 65.2 (13.1) * .611
Delta variation (%) 11.8 9.6 .121 **
PT= peak torque; 1RM= one repetition maximum*p < 0.05 between pre and post-training**time by genotype interaction