Table 2 Markers of inflammation in response to eccentric strength exercise. Data are means (±SE).
Control Trial Omega-3 Trial Between Trials
P value
Arm Volumetry, L
    Baseline 2.032 (.144) 1.997 (.141)
    48h Follow-up 2.060 (.145) 2.019 (.145)
    Change .029 (.016) .022 (.024) .74
    Within group P value .11 .38
Arm Circumference, cm
    Baseline 28.6 (1.0) 29.1 (1.0)
    48h Follow-up 29.2 (1.1) 29.4 (1.0)
    Change .6 (.2) .3 (.2) .45
    Within group P value .01 .15
Skin Temperature,°C
    Baseline 31.6 (.2) 31.9 (.2)
    48h Follow-up 31.3 (.2) 31.9 (.3)
    Change -.3 (.2) .0 (.3) .34
    Within group P value .09 1.0
Soreness, Weighted, cm on VAS*
    Baseline .2 (.1) .1 (.0)
    48h Follow-up 6.4 (.7) 5.1 (.7)
    Change 6.1 (.7) 5.0 (.7) .02
    Within group P value <.0001 <.0001
Soreness, Palpated, cm on VAS*
    Baseline .2 (.1) .4 (.3)
    48h Follow-up 6.2 (.7) 4.9 (.7)
    Change 6.0 (.6) 4.5 (.8) .11
    Within group P value <.0001 <.0001
Soreness, Fully Extended, cm on VAS*
    Baseline .3 (.1) .2 (.1)
    48h Follow-up 7.8 (.8) 6.6 (.8)
    Change 7.5 (.7) 6.4 (.8) .004
    Within group P value <.0001 <.0001
Within trial P values are from paired t-tests comparing baseline and 48h follow up values. Between trial P-values are from paired t-tests comparing change-scores in the control trial to change scores in the omega-3 trial.*Visual Analog Scale